4 Reasons to Choose a Shower Screen Over a Shower Curtain for Your Wet Room

Wet rooms are becoming increasingly popular. Since they provide an extra shower room in a very tight space, it isn't hard to see why. They are completely sealed, so it technically doesn't matter if water splashes everywhere, but most people like using a screen or curtain to keep a small section of the floor dry and prevent splashes hitting the mirror and other items. So, should you go for a curtain or a screen? [Read More]

Easy ways of Getting Stubborn Pet Hair off a Carpet

Pet hair stuck on carpets is a common occurrence in homes that have furry pets. Vacuuming might take off some of the hair, but with time, pet hairs might get embedded on the carpet, and removing it becomes a challenge. There are a few hacks that professional carpet cleaners recommend for the easy removal of pet hairs from carpets  Using a sponge for pet hair removal The method is best for houses with low pile carpets. [Read More]