How To Choose The Finish For Your Kitchen Cabinet Handles

If you're renovating your kitchen, you're probably swamped with options. Cabinets, splashbacks, glass or tile, flooring, stone or timber—the choices seem endless. Now you have come to the cabinets and handles; which finish should you choose for the handles?

To narrow your options and reach a decision, consider two things: the style of your kitchen cabinets and handles and the metal finishes of other elements within the kitchen.

The Kitchen Cabinet Style Will Limit Your Choices

Firstly, consider the style of your kitchen cabinets. Are they traditionally styled, with ornate beveling and detail, or are they streamlined, with clean lines and minimal detail? Differently styled handles will commonly be manufactured in particular finishes. For example, traditional handles usually come in finishes such as brass, pewter, stainless steel and black. Once you define the handle style, this will automatically narrow your choice of finishes.

Deciding on a particular style of handle will help to narrow your options in another way; some finishes particularly complement a style. Polished chrome, for example, pairs well with the sleek rectangular pulls that are typical in contemporary kitchens. You need to decide which finishes most suit the style you have chosen.

Other Metal Finishes In The Kitchen Further Narrow Your Focus

The next step is to broaden your perspective to include the entire kitchen landscape. Cabinet handles are not the only metal in the kitchen. Consider the whole kitchen and all the different metal finishes, including the taps, sink, light fixtures and appliances. Choose a finish for your cabinet handles that will match or complement other surrounding metals.

For example, you could repeat the stainless steel finish of the taps. Alternatively, could the metal handle on the oven be mimicked by the metal cabinet handles? If you have black appliances and black lighting fixtures, why not match these finishes by installing black handles? Don't feel that you need to match all the metal finishes in your kitchen. Mixing things up is interesting; consider the different finishes and how they will interact with each other.

Kitchen cabinet handles are an opportunity to create an integrated, unified look in your kitchen and to create visual interest. To help narrow your focus, consider the cabinet style; think about which finishes will complement that style. Also, consider the other metal finishes in the kitchen and how they will interact with each other. Mixing and matching will create interest in the kitchen while keeping the look unified. An expert in custom-made kitchen designs should be able to provide specific advice and further ideas.
